how to find your soulmate?

 This first step may sound cliché, but it is absolutely fundamental to attracting true love into your life. If you don't truly love yourself, you don't feel like you deserve or receive love, which can lead you to block or self-sabotage your manifestations.

If your relationships are short-lived or if the type of people you choose to date disrespect or treat you poorly, it is most likely because you have low self-esteem and have forgotten what it means to love yourself deeply. 

Self-love is an ongoing journey of healing, self-discovery, self-acceptance and self-confidence to be authentic. For concrete steps on how to love yourself more, check out steps 6 and 7 on the How to Show Love blog.

One of my favorite ways to practice self-love is to say positive have I met my soulmate affirmations when I look in the mirror. You can download and print 16 of the most powerful love affirmations below. 

To your soulmate? I also like to wear my everlur Confidence and Self-Esteem bracelet every day that reminds me to say my affirmations and reprogram my subconscious mind to believe that I am worthy of finding love.

Don't stress about finding someone.

 I have single friends who are obsessed with being in a relationship. They would literally be with anyone just to feel loved. It's almost like they are terrified of being alone with themselves. This ties in a bit with step 1. Think about it... if you can't stand to be alone with yourself, how do you want someone else to be with you?

 To manifest your soulmate, you must become a vibrational match to love. In this scenario, when you are constantly stressing and worrying about finding someone, you are emitting a vibration of lack and scarcity of love that only manifests more stress and loneliness in your life.  

 Instead of overthinking and overanalyzing your life, practice your love affirmations daily to raise your vibration. Believe in yourself and your ability to manifest your soul mate and know that everything always works out for you.

 I know you want to see, touch and feel your soulmate to believe that love is truly possible for you, but to manifest effectively, you must first believe in it to see it manifest. 

 Journal about your ideal relationship: ask and you shall receive!

 You must be very specific about what you want from the universe in order to manifest it. This does not mean that you have to write down all the physical characteristics of your soul mate. Rather, it means being very clear about the type of relationship you want, why you want it, and how you want it to make you feel.

Download my free "How to Manifest Love" workbook to get 10 specific questions that will help you get crystal clear on the type of relationship you want to manifest. 

 Here's an example: My soul mate makes me feel loved, respected and wanted. When I am with this person, I feel happy and fulfilled. My soul mate is emotionally mature and stable and loves me unconditionally. When she touches me, I feel warmth, love, butterflies, joy and passion.

P.S. Avoid using words like "I want" and "I wish". Always write in the present tense as if your soul mate is already in your life right now. Utilisez les cristaux pour attirer l'amour dans votre voyage de manifestation.



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