Is it easy to meet your soulmate ?

 If you really want to be with your soulmate, it is time to accept that you cannot settle for less. Be selective and don't give in to physical attraction instead of true love. Believe me, this will only hurt your self-esteem and make you feel even more lonely.

 Also, when you're busy wasting your time with someone who doesn't deserve your attention, you can drift away from your soulmate without even realizing it. Always remember that what you tolerate is what you manifest more of. Focus on what you want and what you feel and don't let anyone stop you from moving forward.

 Surround yourself with happy people

 I know this can be hard. It's not easy to be around happy couples who love each other when you are single and a little jealous of their relationship. However, if you only surround yourself with other single friends who are just as sad and lonely as you are, you will only introduce more feelings of loneliness in your life. The soulmates and twin flames is the attitude that put you in a good track. 

 Don't stay away from friends who are in happy relationships. Rejoice for them, bless their love and wish them well always. Remember that every emotion you spread will come back to you tenfold. 

 Also, when you gossip, speak badly about another partner or feel intense jealousy towards another person, your subconscious internalizes your words and feelings as if they were real to you. Saying things like "Oh, I hate to see them so in love" basically means that you will show more loneliness and so you can continue to hate others who are in love. 

 Practice gratitude

 This is one of my favorite steps in the manifestation process, because gratitude is really one of the most powerful emotions you can feel. When you immerse yourself in gratitude, there is no room for sadness, anger or loneliness, and that's why it's so powerful to consistently feel grateful. Invest in everlur gratitude bracelets to add a consistent gratitude practice to your day. 

How grateful are you if you already have someone special in your life? What areas of your life are already going really well? Be grateful for your health, for the roof over your head, for the food you get every day, for the friends and family who love and support you.

Your outer world is a direct reflection of your inner world.

 This step involves realizing that what you are experiencing right now in physical reality is probably what you feel inside. And what you feel inside is manifesting in your physical reality.

 Release the physical clutter in your life. Clean your house, your bedroom, your closet, your car, your purse, your bag, your wallet, etc. Wear clothes and jewelry that make you feel abundant and loved. I wear my Overlord Love and Relationship bracelet every day to awaken feelings of self-love and acceptance. Joe Vitale the Law of attraction genius is there with new stuff that work.


I hope you found this article helpful. I believe with all my heart that true and sincere love will find you as long as you are open and accepting. When you are going through difficult times, be willing to look beyond what you are going through and know that your desires must manifest.

The most important part of self-realization is to believe in yourself and never give up. 90% of the time you will feel like nothing is working and even then you have to keep going as if it is. The universe loves to show up at the eleventh hour, which is why it is so important to have an unwavering belief in what is possible for you. Know that your success is inevitable.


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